Learn exactly which sneaky ingredients to avoid before your next grocery trip and become a food label reading pro!

In this guide, I’ll walk you through each ingredient, why you should avoid it, and list out the products that contain each ingredient!

Interested in WORKing WITH US?

Keep scrolling for more information and each of our waiting lists…

3-months - one-on-one - $$$

restore: One-on-one

need bio-individual, root cause work? working one-on-one with a practitioner is your best bet. a practitioner will seamlessly guide you through all three steps, holding you accountable every step of the way while simultaneously getting to the root cause of each sign, symptom, or condition you may be dealing with.

  • complete in-depth client intake paperwork

  • receive specific, bio individual recommendations

  • meet with your practitioner every other week

  • gain a deep understanding of eating, environment, and extras

  • get tailored instructions for exactly what you should be eating

  • get A personal home evaluation of products with specific swap recommendations

  • get specific supplement and detox practice routines based on your bio-individual needs

  • get motivated to reach your health goals

8 weeks - group - $$

restore: Group

a comprehensive program for educating, equipping, and empowering you to restore your body back to balance and reach optimal health through 3 integral steps: eating, environment, and extras.

  • master the foundations of health

  • develop a deep understanding of nutrition and what you should eat

  • become a label reading expert

  • learn how and what to swap in your home

  • get clear on chemicals to avoid in your home

  • Craft your own bio-individual supplement routine & incorporate detox practices

  • meet weekly as a group with RYH practitioners to get your questions answered

  • join private facebook group for accountability, community, and ask questions along the way

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ongoing - membership - $


digging deep to get to the root cause

THE in-depth membership you have always looked for in order to get access to lab testing and get to the root cause of whatever condition you may be dealing with. root not only gives you access to labs but also gives you insight into your labs with specific trainings and protocols, allowing you to get to the root cause and have actionable steps to help you mitigate, reduce, or eliminate the symptoms you have.

  • get access to comprehensive lab testing (additional cost)

  • receive in-depth lab result summary with general recommendations for eating, environment, and extras

  • option to book a one-time follow-up meeting with a practitioner to discuss your lab results (additional cost)

  • attend monthly trainings on what different lab markers mean as well as optimal ranges for each marker

  • get access to our in-depth protocols for each of the many conditions that we see people suffer with from autoimmune conditions to PCOS to gut issues and so much more.

  • attend monthly protocol trainings

  • join a protocol pod to work through protocols with others who are experiencing the same symptoms you are or suffering from the same condition as you. because, you are not alone.

  • join private facebook group for continued accountability, ongoing motivation, and to get your questions answered.

amy approved!

Click the button below to sign up for our weekly email, amy approved!

Each week you will get an email that contains one of the following: what amy is loving & using, a healthy swap, amy’s answer to a regularly asked health question, or a recipe!