Frequently asked questions

when will spots to work 1:1 with a practitioner become available?

spots to work with a practitioner 1:1 become available once a year. an email is sent to our waiting list at the end of every year that allows you to book a spot with a practitioner for the following year. please visit the work with us page to get on the waiting list!

when do spots to the group program and course become available ?

spots to work with us in a group setting through our course, restore, become available once a year. an email is sent to our waiting list every january about the exact date when spots become available for purchase. please visit the work with us page to get on the waiting list!

when does the lab testing membership, root, launch?

once exact details have been finalized, those on our waiting list will be the first to know! please visit the work with us page to get on the waiting list!

what is the price point of each offering?

working 1:1 with a practitioner is our most expensive offering. Our group program and course is a much more affordable option. and, our lab testing membership is the most affordable option we offer.

what is the healthy swap index & how can i purchase?

the healthy swap index is exactly what it sounds like. it is an extensive list of healthier and cleaner brands for every category you can think of throughout your entire house. we even have an index dedicated solely to kids! please visit our shop page to purchase one of our healthy swap indexes!

do you have other questions?

If you have any other questions or need some more clarification, please feel free to send an email to

amy approved!

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Each week you will get an email that contains one of the following: what amy is loving & using, a healthy swap, amy’s answer to a regularly asked health question, or a recipe!